ICPRAI 2018 (Call for Papers)

International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of CENPARMI, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada

May 14-17, 2018

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Call for Papers

Note: A PDF of the Call for Papers may be downloaded here

To mark its 30th Anniversary, CENPARMI (Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence of Concordia University) is organizing an international conference on Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

Track 1: Recognition of different types of patterns, handwriting, documents, texts, and strategic objects and targets.
Track 2: Computer vision and image processing, medical imaging, 2D and 3D images, tomography, graphics, robotics, and multimedia applications.
Track 3: Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, SVM, deep learning and classification techniques, language processing, semantic analysis, computational linguistics, e-learning, and innovative teaching methods.
Track 4: Biometrics, forensics and security, mobile applications, big data, small sample size, data mining and performance evaluation, intelligent systems, and practical applications.


  1. Best papers will be selected for a Special Issue in the International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
  2. Papers of general interest will be considered for a new book in the Book Series of Language Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Intelligent Systems (http://www.worldscientific.com/series/scpl), and
  3. Depending on the submissions, we may also propose a Special Issue to another journal on papers of special interest on emerging topics.

Papers can be submitted through EasyChair

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