
The IEEE Montreal Section is planning to recognize one of its current or former members with a Gold Medal for Outstanding Contributions made to the Field of interest to IEEE including Technical Contributions, Service to Society, and Humanity. From now on, we encourage you all to come forward and nominate deserving individuals for this prestigious Award (about $1000 of value). Self-nominations are also accepted. Please refer to the following criteria and deadlines.

1) Criteria for Gold Medal Candidates: 

  1. Should be an IEEE Member
  2. Should be member of IEEE Montreal Section area (currently or was past member)


  1. Anyone can nominate
  2. Number of references: Min. 3 and max. 5 (be submitted at the same time with the nomination)
  3. International nominator(s) and references are encouraged
  4. Nominations can be in any of the official languages (English or French)

The Medal will be bilingually scripted. Please use the attached Nomination Form for such nominations and for additional information, refer to the Montreal Section Gold Medal Webpage: 

2) Additional Awards offering during the Montreal Section’s Annual Banquet:

  1. Best Chapter and/or Best Affinity Group for special activities, such as: DL Tours, number of events, membership drives, EVENT reporting, Workshops, no. of attendees, organization issues, and more.
  2. Student Branches Award:  Student activities such as: Group trip organization and realization, Student membership drive, Social activities, etc.
  3. Volunteers Award: For a sustained dedication and major contributions made to the section.
  4. Certificates for Best Volunteers.
  5. Selected Industry candidates as Friends of IEEE.

 Major awards will be with nice Plaques.


Deadline for all applications is: Friday October 13, 2023
Awards Selection: Friday October 27, 2023
Contact: Anader Benyamin-Seeyar (

Please proceed with your nominations as soon as you can.
Looking forward to your participation and nomination.

Languages / Langues