Le Transfert Technologique et l’Écosystème d’Innovation à MIT
L’ÉTS est fière d’inviter la communauté de IEEE-Montréal à la présentation de Christopher Noble, expert en transfert technologique à MIT.
- Titre de la présentation : Le Transfert Technologique et l’Écosystème d’Innovation à MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Conférencier : Christopher Noble, Technology Licensing Officer, MIT Technology Licensing Office (https://tlo.mit.edu/about/staff/christopher-noble-clp-rttp)
- Invité par : Décanat de la recherche de l’ÉTS
- Date : 8 juin, 2017
- Heure : 10:00 – 12:00
- Salle : ÉTS- A-1600
- Inscription gratuite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/inscription-le-transfert-technologique-et-lecosysteme-dinnovation-a-mit-34542854608?aff=courrielinvitation
Christopher Noble, CLP, RTTP
Technology Licensing Officer
Christopher Noble is responsible for MIT’s energy technology and for supporting some of MIT’s key international partnerships. He previously worked for 30 years in general management for energy and technology companies ranging from the Fortune 500 to startups. Chris founded and raised financing for his own startup company, is the lead inventor on two issued patents, has raised and negotiated multiple VC financings as an advisor to four early-stage companies, and has served on the Board of several private technology companies and non-profits. He lived and worked in South America and Europe and is fluent in French and Spanish. Chris is Assistant Vice President of the Association of University Technology Managers, lectures internationally on technology transfer and commercialization, and is a recipient of the LES Deals of Distinction award. He has a B.Eng. from McGill University and an M.S. in Management from MIT.